Sunday, July 6, 2008

Peanut Butter Fingers

Peanut Butter Fingers

You will need:
2 Sticks of Butter
1 Cup of Sugar
1 Cup of Brown Sugar
2 Eggs
2/3 cup (Creamy or crunchy) Peanut Butter
1 Teaspoon baking soda
1/2 Teaspoon Salt
1 Teaspoon Vanilla (I always add a little extra for flavor though)
2 Cups Uncooked Oatmeal
2 Cups Flour

Frosting/Glaze for top:
1 Cup Powdered Sugar
1/2 Cup Peanut Butter
4-8 Tablespoons Milk

Rectangle Cookie Sheet (You need to have a cookie sheet with an edge around it)

Put 2 sticks of butter in large bowl.
Butter needs to be softened, but not melted.
You can let the butter sit in the wrapper
for a good 5-10 min on the counter to soften it
up a bit. Or you can put it in a microwave safe bowl and pop it in the microwave for 10 -15 seconds.

Add 1 cup white sugar & 1 cup brown sugar
to the bowl with the butter.

Use a hand wisk or a wooden spoon,
and cream together the sugars and the butter.

(This is what is should look like after it is creamed together)

Then add to the creamed mixture the following:

2 Eggs
2/3 cup (Creamy or crunchy) Peanut Butter
1 Teaspoon baking soda
1/2 Teaspoon Salt
1 Teaspoon Vanilla (I always add a little extra for flavor though)

Mix with creamed butter above, until smooth

This is what it should look like
after everything has been mixed together.

I did use creamy peanut butter.
If you use crunchy peanut butter,
it will not be as creamy.

Then add:

2 Cups Uncooked Oatmeal
2 Cups Flour

An mix well

Should look like this after the flour
and oatmeal are mixed in.
Of course taste a finger dollop
to make sure everyone will like it.
Is super yummy!

Then evenly spread onto ungreased rectangle cookie sheetBake @ 350 degrees for 22-25 min*

Make certain that the cookie sheet you use has
an edge all the way around it.

*This time may vary depending on your stove. Make sure to pull it out when the edges are starting to brown.

While it is cooking,
you can then lick out the bowl
if you feel so inclined. LoL

It should NOT be this dark.
I have an very old oven, that is so unpredicatable
it is not even funny. I even set a timer, and pulled it
out before the timer went off.

Just make sure to pull it out of the oven
once the edges are golden brown and a toothpick comes out clean when inserted into the center.

<~~~~ Dh stole a corner even though I told him it was burnt. LoL He said it was still good, and so I just cut off the edges that were really dark.

It is not complete without the frosting on top.
So in a small bowl mix the following:

1 Cup Powdered Sugar
1/2 Cup Peanut Butter (Creamy works best for the frosting)
4-8 Tablespoons Milk (Be careful NOT to add more then this, otherwise it will be to thin and not set)

P.S. Don't mind my orange pop in the corner.
All the baking was making me thirsty. hehe

Should be smooth and creamy, and
a little on the thick side when all mixed together.

Pour it on, and evenly spread it over
all the cookie.
This was a bit thick, but only because
I had cut off the edges that were burnt.

Place in entire cookie on cookie sheet
in fridge, so that the frosting will set up.
Leave it in the fridge for a few hours.

Then bring it out, and cut into long finger
length pieces. Eat & Enjoy!

Taste the best with a tall glass of milk, or some cold vanilla ice cream!!!
If you give this recipe a try, let me know how it turned out,
and how you liked it.

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